The Asphalt Patch: Avoiding Repaving Your Entire Lot

Asphalt parking lots, by definition, necessitate extensive preventative maintenance. Fortunately, this paving material is also highly forgiving; in many circumstances, a patch of asphalt over a crack or a pothole is generally enough to maintain your lot safe and neat. In fact, if you know what you’re doing, the modest asphalt repair is your best defense against having to have your entire lot repaved.

Patch Frequently & Early

The asphalt patch is ideal for preventative maintenance. Filling cracks and little potholes before they become huge migraines, on the other hand, necessitates quick action. It also necessitates that you know your parking lot through and out so that when you detect a new location that appears to be eroding, you are not caught off guard.

In fact, the sooner you identify problem spots in your lot and get them mended, the longer your lot will survive between repavings or resurfacing. This, along with other routine maintenance such as leaf and snow removal and keeping your lot drainage clear, will help you stretch your facility’s budget fairly far — especially since an asphalt patch is so inexpensive.

Patching Keeps Your Parking Lots Safe & Secure

Everyone knows that a cratered parking lot that looks like the surface of the moon is about as appealing as a root canal. Keeping your lot in good condition by patching potholes and fixing cracks as you find them provides a positive message to visitors, customers, and even employees, demonstrating your attention to detail and commitment to generating a good impression.

Simultaneously, making it a policy to apply an asphalt patch as quickly as feasible when needed maintains your parking lot safer. Cracked, disintegrating pavement studded with potholes is a definite safety hazard, capable of twisting ankles or ruining axles, both of which could result in a variety of accidents and injuries. It’s practically a certainty that the extra insurance premiums you’ll wind up paying will much outweigh the expense of any asphalt patching, therefore it’s in your best interest to keep your lot secure and sound!

Perfect Commercial Parking Lot Solution

No matter how you slice it, the best way to keep your commercial parking lot in good repair is to look for issue places on a regular basis and then patch those problem spots. In many circumstances, an asphalt patch can be applied by obtaining a kit from a local hardware store. This is best suited for simple jobs or if you have extensive maintenance experience.

However, if you have a very large lot or are unsure of your capacity to patch your parking lot without assistance, it’s always better to contact your local paving business for assistance. Leaving things to the professionals is always a good option, and you can be confident that the task will be done swiftly, cheaply, and well!